Thursday 26 March 2009

Trading Places

We have introduced a new section to the blog which will highlight selections that we feel are likely to shorten significantly prior to the off. These will not have any bearing on the account bets but should offer decent opportunities to generate 'risk free' bets if you have access to the exchanges. Over the last few months it is uncanny how many of the horses we have selected have shortened significantly and, whilst they have not all managed to win, there is no reason why good money couldn't have been made from trading them. Over time this is an area which we feel could be exploited much further and we will be posting up some methods/ideas on this in due course. As ever the account bets will continue to be posted in the normal manner and these will hopefully continue to prove highly profitable. If anybody has any questions about this please feel free to get in touch.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea, I have found that if you can get a horse that you are confident is going to shorten up by at least say a point. then some excellent money is there to be made!! the problem is, is finding them? I will look forward to what sort of analysis you use? and also the price movement of the.

anyway, the blog is my favourite out there and keep up the excellent work


Anonymous said...

What a great idea, I have found that if you can get a horse that you are confident is going to shorten up by at least say a point. then some excellent money is there to be made!! the problem is, is finding them? I will look forward to what sort of analysis you use? and also the price movement of the.

anyway, the blog is my favourite out there and keep up the excellent work


TO said...

Yes, interesting thoughts. A good no-lose bet is always something to smile about.
