Monday 4 May 2009

Last Week

I'm in a bit of a hurry this morning but believe it or not I want to post up the weekly and year to date figures despite last week not being our finest in terms of results. I am determined that our bets and results will continue to be seen in full as planned at the outset. That means the blog will sometimes make for poor reading but we want everyone to see the ups and downs as we continue with our venture. There are too many blogs and websites out there where all you are shown are the winners and we won't turn this place in to another one the same.

The most disappointing thing for me is that two of our bets failed to run their race. One we could forgive as they went no pace but the other was a big let down. I don't mind losing, I know we're going to lose far more often than we win and I don't mind the fact that last week I increased how much I stake per point. A few winners will vindicate that decision and looking through our analysis we're not far away. On Saturday we looked at three races in detail and our analysis came up with two winners. Unfortunately we cleverly decided they weren't strong enough so we didn't back them. Then of course yesterday we spent a lot of time on one race and got so much right, apart from the bet failing to run its race! So it's been a crap weekend financially but we remain confident that our form study and analysis is still pretty much spot on. I've said to others in the past that form study and analysis are only part of the "job". Punters also have to decide when to bet, ie follow up what the analysis has produced, and when to keep their money in their pockets. One or two people have suggested to me that this part of the process is where you get lucky, by deciding to back the horses which win, and unlucky, by deciding to back those which lose and leaving alone the winners. I don't agree about the "luck" issue, for me it's simply a good or a bad decision. Unfortunately I've been guilty of making a few bad decisions lately, it's as simple as that.

0 WINNERS (0%)
1 PLACED (33%)

15 WINNERS (19%)
30 PLACED (38%)

With that done I'm off to see if there is anything worth getting involved with today.

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