Monday 13 July 2009

What Does The Future Hold?

Following Mick's decision to take a break from the blog for the foreseeable future I have been questioning whether to continue with things...I have given it consideration but I believe that the hard work and effort that we have put into things over the last few months would be wasted if I was to bring the curtain down just yet....As we have explained on here on many occasions it's not getting any easier to find the time to post the selections and analysis on the blog however as I will still be looking at the form each night it would seem silly to completely close things down. I have spoken to Mick and he is prepared to continue putting the messages on the phone, although these may not be as frequent as they currently are (especially when he is away on holiday). If I am having a bet I will post it on here and send the email (when possible) but the analysis may be lacking any real depth depending on the time factor.

I would like to thank everybody who has followed the blog over the last few months and hope they will continue to do so and hopefully we will start to see some results that justify the hard work and effort that has gone into providing this information.

On behalf of Mick I would like to thank all the well wishers and i'm sure it won't be long before he is back up to full speed.

All the best


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